New Years 2025

As we ended up in the old year and entered the coming New Year. Let us focus on something that is very relevant for the New Year, and which is emphasized in our lesson from the Old Testament, and that is, HOPE.

The background of the text from Jeremiah is the Jewish Exile. The Jews have been defeated in war and carried away into a foreign country where many of them have become slaves of the conquering powerful nation. It is in this situation that brings about a feeling of hopelessness and despair. The Jews not only began to lose hope, but also to doubt the credibility of the promises of God. In fact, they begin to question their very identity as God’s people, which is closely connected to their possessing the promised land. But the promised land is no longer theirs. And it does not seem possible for them at all to be able to return and reclaim the promised land for themselves. Why? Because they lose the war and bring them out of their own land to a foreign country where they were enslaved. What then of God’s promise that the promised land will be theirs forever? What then of God’s promise that He will be their God, and they will be His people? Will they ever go back to the promised land? Will their children ever see the promised land, or will they ever live forever in a foreign land? These questions go right down to the core of their being, and many of them just simply gave up with a sense of utter hopelessness.

It is not hard to draw parallels between this situation and the situation of Filipinos at the present time. Today, the Filipinos have become the Jews of Asia. We are the biggest foreign group in some of our neighboring countries. We are everywhere, mostly the whole of Asia, Middle East, Europe, Canada, Australia, USA, and in the whole world.

Now, the question that I am sure you have asked so many times into yourself: When can we go back to a prosperous Philippines? When can we go back and get jobs as good as, if not better than our jobs right now? When can we stop working for foreign bosses, and begin to work in the Philippines instead?

Now, back to the Jews. In their situation of hopelessness, there comes this message from the prophet, and it is a message of hope! It is a declaration that the Jews will indeed go back to their land. The assurance was there, that they will be gathered from the end of the earth and will march to Jerusalem with songs of joy. And they will rebuild their broken Nation, which will again become prosperous, full of grain and wine and olive oil, with its pastures teeming with sheep and cattle. And the people will have everything they need.

But you may say, is this wishful thinking? How can they have this Hope? The text clearly tells us: “They have this Hope, because of the Lord.” It is the Lord who will bring all of these things to pass. It is the Lord who will make it possible for His people to return to their land. It is the Lord who will match in front of His people, and He will guide them until they reach their destination. The prophet can proclaim a message of hope, because he is certain of the God of hope and the God of promise.

Again, Read more…

Christmas 2024

Christmas Greetings,

“Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” Luke 2:10

             As I write this Christmas letter my heart is filled with mixed emotions about the scripture used in the heading. At Christmas, I know from experience there are a lot of hurting people who go through deep valleys of depression because they are lonely and upset of the result for the past election, poor, homeless, or have suffered a great loss at this exact time of year. It is always difficult for a pastor to minister to those who have no “joy”, particularly at this time of year because of losing a family member or friend during the year.

Please, let me encourage you this Christmas to get alone with God, and read the Christmas story from His Holy Word and try to go back in your thoughts to the time when our Savior was born. Re-capture the joy that was in the hearts of all who had the faith to believe that this baby was the Messiah of Israel, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Savior of all sinners who would believe in Him and seek His forgiveness.

Without knowing Him, without knowing the Christ of Christmas, you will never know what real joy and happiness this time of the year can bring. Christmas is a day for us to remember God’s merciful love. Through Jesus, we come to know who God really is – He is Love. God’s love is extended to everyone, including the strangers, the marginalized … and especially the poor and the homeless. This Christmas, let us be mindful of those who are in need of our welcome – a family member, a friend, a co-worker, a fellow member. Let us make room in our hearts for forgiveness and love and reach out to those who are asking for them.

Merry Christmas! Maligayang Pasko!

On behalf of our family and church staff, I sincerely hope that the remembrance of Christ’s birth brings you much peace and hope. As we celebrate Christmas, I would like to thank you for your presence and prayers with our Westfield UMC and Mayville UMC family.

            There are numerous ways that the church helps to orient us toward Christ. Over the past several months, I have prepared a church-wide devotional booklet entitled, Advent series THEME: Christmas: A Season for Hope and Joy to Triumph over Adversities, it is was made with scriptures, short meditations and prayers to guide us into readiness for the celebration of Christmas. Introducing with you our Filipino culture as we are preparing for the Christmas, we had 9 Simbang gabi (vigil service) starting on December 16 until December 24, therefore, as we adopt one of our cultures in celebrating Christmas, we will have our 1st vigil service on December 16, at 6pm in the church and the next vigil services for December 17-23 will continue in your home, light the candles and read the Advent devotional booklet. (copies are available near the Welcome Center/Gibbs Parlor)

On the evening of December 21st, my twin sister, Rev. Evelyn E. Austria will lead our church family/community in a more subdued atmosphere of Blue Christmas service at 7pm a joint service with Mayville UMC. This is a meaningful service, for those who have lost a family member, a close friend, or who find the high-energy and bright lights too much this Christmas. 

We will hold our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Dec. 24th at 6pm and (8pm at Mayville UMC) in the sanctuary. Once again, we will hear the words of the prophet Isaiah 9:2-7 and the Christmas story as told in Luke 2:1-20. One of the highlights of Christmas Eve’s past will return as we receive Agape Meal during the service. Steve/Karin Cockram & family will have their musical presentation. Our family Castillo and Austria will sing Filipino Christmas carols. It wouldn’t be Christmas Eve without singing Silent Night with our candles aglow.

Ever feel like you did not get enough of the Christmas carols and hymns in church? Then mark your calendars for Dec. 29th at 9:00am for our annual ‘Stump the Pianist’ service: an entire service dedicated to selecting and singing your favorite hymns, or the one’s that we have not sung together. We want to begin the year on the right foot, so on Jan. 5th at 9:00am we will share together in The Covenant Renewal Service, adapted by our founder John Wesley.


                                                                           Christmas Blessings,

                                                                                    Evangeline E. Castillo, Pastor