Judy Wroda is now working exclusively for Southwestern Independent Living Center and is able to assist all persons in Chautauqua County! Judy is a NY Certified Case Manager, NY Certified Person Centered Counsellor and an Independent Living Specialist and is here to assist all persons, regardless of age or income.
Judy is able to help persons find the right programs to assist them, and can also assist in enrollment of benefits (such as Social Security, SNAP, HEAP, Medicaid ).
Judy works closely with local law enforcement, Chautauqua County schools, churches, food pantries, hospitals, mental health facilities, and other service providing agencies in the county, attorneys, physicians’ offices and many others in our communities!
Judy also assists with issues such as homelessness, child trafficking, adult abuse, child abuse, drug related issues, and many other social issues.
If you have an issue you are not sure how to handle or where to turn to for help, please call Judy at 716 450 3960 and she will gladly assist you!
Judy is able to do office visits, home visits, or meet where you feel comfortable – or if you prefer visiting over the phone, that is great, too! As always, there is no charge for the services Judy provides!
Judy Wroda, PCC CM ILS,
Southwestern Independent Living Center
843 N Main St., Jamestown, NY 14701
716 450 3960 (work cell )
716 661 3010 ( office )
judy@ilc-jamestown-ny.org (email )