Africa 360 – April 24 – Education


or the month of April, we will be focusing on Africa 360.

Excerpt from the Africa 306 Lenten Devotional

Written by Rev. Bob Kolvik-Campbell


I went to Zimbabwe in 1992 as part of an interdisciplinary team. It was a year of great drought. Part of the time, I stayed at Old Mutare, a mission station that dates back to the 1880s. There was a school, a church building, a clinic, and missionary residences. Across the road was Africa University.

I got to know a girl named Grace, who was a student at the school and wanted to practice her English. We walked the garden and she showed me her plot, where she grew vegetables for the school. In that drought year, everything has to be done to preserve water. She brought the water she had used to wash each day to her plot, so that she could water it. We prayed for the gift of water and that the land might be renewed again with God’s presence in the rain.

Across the road was the newly opened Africa University. I visited the library. In this new facility, there were not many books, and I thought about the opportunity I had to read and grow from the libraries in my life and I prayed that the library would grow and expand.

It is God who has given voice to a university and to the elimination of malaria in Africa. It is God who has called us to be part of this great work.

God continues to bless Africa and Africa University, where the dream is alive. God blesses the school children of Africa as they grow, without fear of disease and death from malaria.


“Give Faithfully. Give Hope. Be a Global Neighbor.”

Africa 360 is the Upper New York Conference’s holistic plan for health and education initiatives in Africa. Uniquely, Africa 360 is about dreaming God-sized dreams, ambitiously eliminating preventable deaths from malaria and equipping the next generation of leaders. -360


The church has set a goal of $500. Let’s see if we can surpass that goal!

Envelopes for donations are available at the Welcome Centers and by each door.


Loose change containers will be in Fellowship Hall, the narthex and the welcome center outside Gibbs on Sundays




April 24: Education


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