Our Stained Glass Windows (As taken from the Westfield Republican newspaper – May 3, 1944 – with permission)
Memorial Designation By Karl Shearer Some years go there was established a fund known as the John W. Rodgers memorial fund. This fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. William Rodgers, in memory of their son who died in World War I. Recently the trustees of the church conferred with Mrs. Agnes Rodgers as to the advisability of using the money in this fund as a payment toward necessary improvements to the church property. Mrs. Rodgers willingly gave her consent that the fund should be used in this manner. The Board of Trustees felt that because of the fine Christian character of the boy and because of the splendid Christian example shown by his parents that the window in the northeast corner should properly inscribed to the memory of John W. Rodgers. On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Methodist Church of Westfield, I hereby designate that the church window in the northeast corner of the main auditorium having been inscribed with the name of John W. Rodgers shall continue to be a memorial to this one who gave his life in sacrifice for his country, and further do I request that on this thirteenth day of April, 1944 that the pastor of this church shall lead the congregation in a suitable service of commemoration and dedication. Memorial Biography By. K. W. Seiter John Walker Rodgers, son of William James Rodgers and Agnes W. Rodgers was born on January 4, 1895. On the morning of October 16, 1918 he gave his life in supreme sacrifice of service to his country. John was with Company L, 309th Regiment, 78th Division of the American Expeditionary Forces. During an advance in the Battle of Argonne near Bois-des-Loges he was killed by machine gun fire. On November 6, 1918 he was buried at Grand Pre. On September 2, 1921 the body was returned to Westfield, New York and fitting services were held in the Methodist Church. John W. Rodgers was educated in the Westfield schools and was well liked and respected by all. At the second meeting of the newly formed American Legion Post this post was named in his memory. Today it is fitting that we should again gather in the Methodist Church to honor his memory by dedicating a window in the church and by placing a wreath on that window. As commander of the John W. Rodgers Post of the American Legion and in the name of that organization and to the memory of whom our Post is named, at this time I place this wreath upon the window, which has been designated to his memory.