Posted on Jul 10, 2015 in Pastor Matt Blog |
Recently, while sitting at the desk in the parsonage office, I gazed out the window as I waited for the printer to do its job. I quickly noticed how tall the bushes had gotten with all the rain that we have been having. As my gaze intensified and clarity of sight increased, I saw a beautiful bird in the midst of it all staring intently back at me.It was waiting for me to make my next move. I sat motionless for a while looking straight at it, admiring God’s handiwork right in front of my nose. I was amazed at how things came into focus as my sight became fully engaged and clarity came. First I saw only the bush- then the branches and leaves and finally the bird. Like putting on a new pair of glasses bringing focus and clarity, my eyes were fully opened and engaged, even though I thought I saw- just a moment before.I find it interesting how often things can be right in front of our noses and yet we miss it because we don’t see. I am reminded of the story in Mark’s gospel where Jesus returns to his hometown after casting out demons, calming storms, and healing people as he touched them. One could imagine he would have received a hero’s welcome upon arrival. Not so. Even though he was right in front of their noses, they couldn’t see beyond their preconceived notions of who they expected Jesus to be and ended up instead, treating him with contempt. Wasn’t this Mary’s son- the carpenter, who built our benches and tables? How could it be that he’s the one doing all these miraculous things and have this wisdom? (Mark 6:3 my paraphrase) Indeed, sometimes folks tend to see what they expect to see. Interestingly enough, because they couldn’t “see” Jesus for who he had become, he was rendered powerless among them. Unfortunately they missed out on the grace that God had intended for them through Jesus.Isaiah warns of the heart that grows dull which keeps the eyes from seeing and the ears from hearing. Makes one wonder if we ever render God’s grace powerless because we don’t perceive it. Even if its right in front of our noses.